Why did MASTERS fail so Quickly?

You may have seen on the news that Woolworths, the owners of Masters, is now closing down the Hardware chain since it’s lost over $700m (yes SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION) since starting it’s takeover of the world (!) 2011. I don’t know about you, but that’s a super fast fall from grace, with 63 Stores that’s …

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How Do You Get Your Spouse/Partner Interested In Your Property Investing?

A common question I get from clients is a touchy one: “How do I get my spouse/partner/significant other interested in Property Investing???” Why it’s touchy is that it often involves spending money. Most properties are over $500,000 in capital cities… Even in the outskirts…. And with spending this much money there is an element of …

How Do You Get Your Spouse/Partner Interested In Your Property Investing? Read More »

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