Online Courses

Everything you need to build a $100,000 property income… (Yes, even if you're starting from scratch!)

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Beat The Banks

People like you are earning much more money… without extra work. Here's how.

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money, profit, finance

Cashflow Multiplier

The New Weird Strategy That Can TRIPLE Your Rental Income

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Joint Venture Secrets

How To Buy All The Properties You Want… 100% No Money Down!

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Wealth For Life – The Fast Track Property System (2021 Updated)

Get my full property system and create wealth for life.

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How To Make BIG Money From Small Developments! (eBook)

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Pandemic To Prosperity

Property Success In The New World

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Cracker Deals Secrets

The lazy man's way to finding super cheap deals in any market environment

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Bust-Proof Investing

Michael Matusik reveals… how to protect yourself in the coming bust!

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Asset Protection Secrets

Protect Your Assets From Friends… Foes… Thieves… Even The ATO!

What Our Students Have to Say

”I made $80,000 going through Nhan’s mentoring program!

"I'm already into my next two subdivisions… expecting to make $100,000 – $120,000 on each one of those!"
Brisbane, Qld
“I just secured my FIRST property deal – a 2 into 6 no-money-down subdivision projected to make about $369,000!

"With a 50/50 split with my money partner that's about $184,000 – – not bad for JUST 4 MONTHS work!”
Full-Time Carer
“Following Nhan's strategies, I just locked in $110,000 worth of profit in only six weeks. And get this…

"I used almost none of my own money!”
“With Nhan’s help we just completed our property project… turning a $1.3 million profit!!!

"Our lives have changed with a single property deal – thanks Nhan!"

Join 17,142 Happy Students Today!

Given the right tools – anyone can build a profitable property career. That’s why I created the APS Academy: to give you the information and tools you need to succeed – and succeed FAST.

So let’s go!

Click the button below now and choose your first course. (Twelve months from today you’ll be glad that you did!)

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