Yes we are so close to Christmas, or so my 6 year old daughter Mia keeps telling me….
Yet I received my bestest present already:)
Here it is:

This property, sitting on 7000sqm 13km from Brisbane CBD, I had been negotiating on since 2003 to buy it, but to no avail.
In the last 18-24 months however, conversations opened up again with the owners and after months of back and forth, the deal was struck.
With a 10 month settlement, the right to clear the land, and a sizeable deposit, the purchase of the property proceeded, and has now settled.
In the meantime, I was able, with the help of my team of town planners, engineers and numerous other consultants, obtain a development approval for 13 residential lots.
Not only that, we have sold 7 of the 13 lots off the plan BEFORE WE SETTLED!!!
My wife is very happy and we are planning our next overseas holiday as we speak :O)
I couldn’t have done this as well as do the training and seminars without my extraordinary support team, Debbie and Maartje, who on a daily, and even hourly basis support my outrageous ideas and stringent requirements to do what we do at APS even better.
They put the FUN at APS and keep things going, especially when I’m away taking time off recovering from events (usually fishing), so thank you, I definitely couldn’t have done it without your support.
Back to my first story though, ahem:O)
We all want gratification, and Christmas is no different, Instant Gratification, Instant Presents, Instant Holidays, Instant BLAH BLAH BLAH…
One of the best lessons I’ve learned is DELAYED GRATIFICATION.
Learning to wait for things to mature is one of the greatest attributes you can learn and teach others, be it deals, relationships or opportunities.
“There’s a Season to Sow, and there’s a Season To Reap, But you Don’t Do both in the Same Season”
Here’s to a great Christmas to you all and a brilliant 2015!!!
We looking forward to re-opening our office Monday January 5th 2015.
Kind regards,
Nhan Nguyen