Hi again,
Here’s something I read that was an interesting newsletter from Active Property Network:
It’s been very interesting in the news, with some markets going ballistic (more so currencies and commodies going down, not up!!!).
Here’s a tough question: would a war in the Ukraine affect the Australian Property Market???

The short answer would be – maybe not in the short term, but definitely in the long term.
Why in the long term?
Well if the US gets involved then WW3 would come about and then spending would massively increase the debt they already can’t afford… then who knows….
But what can we really do as individuals right?
All we can do is band together and keep abreast of the market!
I find it’s very important to stay up to date with world news even though we were “buffered” in the GFC, we are not immune to world disasters.
Til next time,