Still can't find a decent property deal anywhere?
Finally, Here's Something That Works!
Everyday investors earn $100,000… $270,000… even $369,000 a year or more… All through this simple, proven property strategy!
Hi, my name is Nhan Nguyen.
And wow, do I ever know how property investors have gotten shy — some have even given up — in this highly unusual market.
But I want to tell you how that’s actually a great situation… because today, opportunities abound for everyday investors who are willing to look at things just a little bit differently.
You see, I have found a way for everyday investors to create $100k income in the next twelve months, and enough income to retire in just 2-5 years.
All through a simple, proven, property strategy that requires…
- No experience
- No cash
- No unnecessary risks
That’s right. And now, I’m going to show you how you can make a lot of money through property and create wealth for life.
- Without speculating. Without buy & hope.
- Without years of negative cashflow.
- Without it taking forever to build up your nest egg!
Take Dianne, for example. A full-time carer who had very little time and resources to put into property investing. Dianne spent just three days learning my system.
And here’s (in her own words) what happened next:
"I've earned $184,500 in just four months following Nhan's system!
"Nhan, I can’t thank you enough for the peace of mind you’ve given my family and me!"

She put $184,500 dollars in her pocket in just four months – despite having limited time and no money to invest.
How is that possible? It’s because using my property system, the old “limitations” don’t matter anymore.
You too can earn a six-figure property income every year. Even if you're starting with zero cash, no job, or no experience.
And how about Graeme Jarry from Gordon Part, QLD? He used to drive a truck driver when we first met.
But then Graeme spent 3 days learning my system. And sure enough…
Huge results followed!
"I have made $106,000 in my first year – and $350,000 since!
“I was tired of waking up at the crack of dawn to drive my truck. Now, thanks to Nhan’s system – I no longer have to!
These days Graeme earns $300k and upwards every year following my property system.
And get this: he’s only doing property investing part-time.
That’s right!
He’s earning over $300,000 a year. And doesn’t even consider it a “full-time job”!
Rowan, an engineer from Geelong, is also making a lot more money, a lot faster than he did at his regular job:
"I made $80,000 dollars profit in just six months Using Nhan’s methods!
"That's the same as I make in a whole YEAR an an engineer!"

Imagine earning an annual salary
working just 6 months a year!
You could go on vacation for the other six months of the year. Or do more projects and earn even more money. The world’s your oyster.
And the best part is… You don’t have to imagine.
Anyone can do it!
People from every walk of life have already put my property system to the test.
Musicians… teachers… psychologists… electricians… bus drivers… admin assistants… nurses… engineers… retirees… even ex volleyball players…
They spent just 3 days learning my system… and made $100,000… $270,000… and even $369,000 in the 12-months that followed!
It just doesn’t matter what your backstory is.
Not when you use my Fast Track Property System.
You can go from zero passive income (or even negative cashflow) to earning hundreds of thousands of dollars every year through property.
Even if you’re in debt.
Even if you’re pushing 60 and need to make things happen fast.
I want to show you how all these people started earning $100k or more in as little as twelve months and how you can do the same. But first, allow me to introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Nhan Nguyen, and I’m the creator of the Fast Track Property System.
I developed this property system for myself because I had no other choice.
When I decided to get into property, I tried all the property courses out there. I followed the best selling books. I blew all my money on seminars.
None of that stuff worked!
Growing up in Housing Commission, I had no savings or “connections” to leverage. A broke college dropout with no cash, no savings, no borrowing capacity.
Every time I tried any of the “proven” strategies out there, I hit a brick wall.
Then one day, I caught a break. A local property investor I was talking to opened up to me.
He let me in on the real secret to creating wealth through property. The one secret that nobody else is teaching, that actually works.
I was 24 years old and broke at the time.
But that didn’t matter anymore!
Now that I had the secret to creating property wealth quickly, nothing could stop me from succeeding!
A few weeks later, I had my first six-figure income deal already in progress.
Within six months, I was already earning a respectable full-time income from my property business.
By the time I turned 26 – just two years later – I never had to work again.
I could finally spend my time doing what I enjoy. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since!
Lovin’ The Freedom!

I LOVE taking long vacations because every time I come back… thanks to passive income… I have more money in my bank account than the day I left!

I’d go crazy without the rush and excitement of making BIG things happen.
Which is why I’m active in the market every single day (unlike so many “property gurus” who haven’t done a deal in a decade… )
In fact, here are some recent examples:

$200,000 Profit!
2 into 5 Subivision
Total Costs: $900k
Total Profit: $200,000
✔︎ Purchased NO MONEY DOWN!

$570,000 Profit!
9 Lot Subdivision
Total Costs: $1.52 Million
Gross Profit: $570,000
✔︎ Purchased NO MONEY DOWN!

$850,000 Profit!
1 into 13 Subdivision
Total Costs: $2.55M
Total Profit: $850,000
✔︎ Purchased NO MONEY DOWN!
I’m also working on a multi-million dollar 30 Lot subdivision which I bought NO MONEY DOWN. And three other projects.
Each will generate millions of dollars in profits.
As you can see, everything I’m sharing with you works. Not “way back when” but right now in the real market.
And anyone can do it!
My Students Have Used The Fast Track Property System To Create Fat Profits In Every Market Condition!
- Anne from Canberra spent 3 days learning my system, then made over $60,000 cash-in-pocket profit within a year
- Chris spent 3 days learning my system, and made $80,000 within 12 months afterward (and $240,000 on his second year applying it!)
- Kate, a nurse, spent 3 days learning my system, and within six weeks locked in $110,000 worth of profit using almost none of her own money!
- Raj, a Sydney-based IT Consultant, made over $180,000 profit in a single transaction
- Rob from QLD made One Million Dollars from a single project
- And the list goes on!
People like you have made $60,000… $180,000… $220,000… $300,000… and in some cases half a million dollars and even $1 million dollars using my property strategy.
And Now… So Can You!
It doesn’t even matter what direction the market is going. I’ve used this system to find epic deals nobody else was paying any attention to… and I’ve made a lot of money in the process.
You can make money in the booms.
You can make money in the busts.
And you can make money in between!
It just doesn’t matter. Because once you have my Fast Track Property System –
- You will find cracker deals any time you like, anywhere in the country
- Even if you have bad credit, no job, and no savings – you will be able to fund any deal you want with just a few phone calls
- You will never again have to rely on sites like or begging agents for deals.
- You’ll always be ahead of the competition in your area… even ahead of the agents!
But how?
Well, in the past, you had to fly in to learn my Fast Track Property System.
We’d spend 3-days in a conference room and I’d show you everything.
But you don’t have to.
Now with just one click you can finally access my entire property system… from the comfort of your own home!
Module 1: How The Rich Get Rich
- The Fast-track Path Anyone Can Follow To Rapidly Create Wealth Through Property
- My Proven Secret To Setting Yourself Up Quickly So You Never Have To Work Again
- The Invisible “Money Rules” That Govern Success – And How To Use Them To Dramatically Grow Your Wealth With Every Project
- How The Rich Got Rich In The First Place… And Why In Fact Anyone Can Join Them!
- Why Almost Every Other Course About Property Is Totally Wrong And Potentially Detrimental To Your Success
- The Rich Man’s “insurance Policy” For Guaranteeing Profits On Every Deal They Make ––That Anyone Can Use! (a simple way to make money even when you make mistakes!)
- The One Easy Way To Finally Overcome Fears And Self-doubts And Pull The Trigger
- The Millionaire Mindset – How To Stay Focused And Positive Even When Everyone Else Is Freaking Out (critical for finding the best opportunities!)
- How To Crush Your Feats And The Doubters Around You And Implement This Strategy With Confidence And Certainty
Module 2: Hidden Deals, Easy Profits!
- Why Some People Always Seem To Find Profitable Opportunities Nobody Else Can Find
- How To Find & Secure Cracker Deals No Matter What The Market Is Doing
- How To Get Property Owners To Call You Begging To Sell Their Properties At 20%-30% Off
- How To Get Anywhere From $25,000 To $50,000 And Even $100,000 Discount Every Time You Buy
- Warning: Not All Discounted Properties Are Created Equal!!! Here Are The One’s You’ll Want To Avoid At All Cost!
- CFN – The Property “cancer” You NEVER Want To Buy Into!
- Where To Find Free Blocks Of Land In This Day And Age?
- Surprising Ways To Gain Free Land In Various Property Deals (with case studies and examples!)
- Choosing The Best Strategy For Your First Few Projects
- A Proven Formula For Finding Simple, High-profit Renovation Deals Anyone Can Do
Module 3: Earn More Money From Every Property You Own
- 15 Different Ways You Can Make Money Through Property Starting Today
- How To Supercharge Your Property’s Value To Increase Sales Price Or Explode Your Rental Income
- Important Tips And Tricks For Open Homes That Add A Whole Lot Of Perceived Value… At Very Little Expense!
- How You Can Replace Your Day-job Income Without Even Subdividing!
Module 4: Buying Without Any Money
- Bad Credit? No Job? No Savings? No Worries – – How To Buy Property If You Can’t Borrow Money
- Get Funding For The Deposit Or Get Someone Else To Fund The Whole Deal – Up To You!
- How To Find More Great Deals Than You Could Ever Have Time To Actually Do!
- The 20 Top Places To Go To For Finding Cracker Deals So Good Money Partners Can’t Say ‘no’ To!
- 6 Simple Questions That Will Instantly Command Respect From Any Real Estate Agent You Talk To
- What To Say To Real Estate Agents To Get Hot Deals (Works Like A Charm!)
- How To Extract The Critical Information From An Agent That 999 Of 1000 Investors Won’t Get – And Gain The Upper-hand In Your Negotiation With The Seller
- How To Appear Like You Totally Know What You’re Talking About – Even If You Don’t Yet! 🙂
- The “Magic Pill” For Buying Profitable Property All Day Every Day
- How To Make The Equal Of $1000 An Hour
- The Legal Loophole Allowing You To Bid Much Less Than What The Agent Wants You To Pay!
- How To Find Cracker Deals Without Ever Wasting Time On Online Databases
- How To Jumpstart Your Property Career When You’re Stuck In A Rut Or Suffer A Setback
Module 5: The Path To Six-Figure Income
- How To Get Into The Splitters And Subdivisions Game
- Avoiding The Key Pitfalls 9 Out Of 10 First Time Subdividers Will Fall Into
- Subdivision Budgeting 101 – How Much Does It Really Cost? (including real deal examples)
- Little Details Investors Often Overlook That Can Cost You A Small Fortune If You Forget!
- The One Most Important Thing You Need To Do To Find A Profitable Subdivision In Any Suburb
- How Zoning Really Works – And How To Use This Knowledge To Uncover The Killer Deals Everyone Else Is Missing Out On
- Yield Maximisation – How To Get The Most Profit Out Of Every Property You Buy
- Creating Free Blocks Of Land Where Everyone Else Thinks It’s Impossible And No One Else Is Bidding!
- Explosive Opportunities Hiding In The Brisbane City Plan (3 Specific Pages Filled With Suburbs You’ll Want To Check More Closely!)
- How To Perform Due Diligence Properly – The Critical Things You Actually Need To Look Out For That Can Make Or Break Your Project
- From Learning The System To Six-figure Property Deals – Tips From Someone Like You Who Only Recently Discovered The Fast Track Property System!
- My Repeatable Process For Finding Deals And Generating Solid Profits In A Short Period Of Time
- How Deals Are Found, Sourced And Funded In The Real World
- Challenges You May Face… And How To Overcome Them!
Module 6: Everything You Absolutely Need To Know About Making Money With Options!
- 5 Proven Ways To Make Money Using Property Options
- 30 Things You Need To Check Before You Sign An Option
- How To Execute Options With Minimum Risk And Maximum Profit – Six Different Strategies To Turn Options Into $$
- 3 Keys For Finding A Cracker Option Deal That Can Fatten Your Wallet
- The #1 Biggest Reason Options Fail Investors That Nobody Else Is Talking About
- Case Studies Of Real Option Deals – See How It’s Actually Done!
- Short Options Vs Long Options… Call Vs Put Vs Put & Call… And everything else you need to know!
Module 7: Minimising Risk, Using Other People's Money, and Slashing Your Taxes
- The Main Components And Percentages In A Feasibility And What Do They Mean? (What’s Good? What’s Bad? What’s Dangerous!)
- How To Assess A Property Project Like A Property Millionaire Would
- Getting The “YES!” – How To Talk To Potential Money Partners And Joint Venture Investors
- How To Get A Meeting With Any Qualified Investor You Want To Present Your Project (so much better than cold calling and trying to pitch random people on the phone!)
- The Exact Script You Should Follow When Raising Capital – Including A Live Example!
- How To Make Millions With Your Mobile Phone
- How To Build A Fortress Against Thieves, Villains, Litigation And Even The ATO!
- Which Entities Are Best For What?
- When Should You Buy Under Your Personal Name? When Is A Corporate Structure Better?
- How Companies Work… How Unit Trusts Work… How Family Trusts Work… Holding Vs Trading Vs Service Entities… Proper Answers That Can Save You From Making Extremely Costly Mistakes!
- How To Stop Paying Unnecessary GST!!!!!!
- Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) – Tap Into A Massive Opportunity That’s Already At Your Fingertips!
- And more!
Module 8: No-Money-Down Fast Track Case Studies
- A real-life 5 lot subdivision deal bought at auction even though the investors didn’t have the funds… resulting in $275,988 profit after GST!
- Splitter Blocks! Where Everyday Investors Can Still Find Simple, Classic Splitter Blocks
- How To Make A Lot Of Money Using Just One Simple Strategy… Over And Over Again!
Module 9: Doing Joint Ventures
- Joint Ventures: The Four Structures You Ought To Know About!
- Incorporated Vs Unincorporated Joint Ventures
- Profit Share Scenarios (How It’s Really Done!)
- How To Structure A Profitable Deal For Everybody Involved
- How To Protect Everyone’s Interests
Module 10: One More Money-Making Secret!
- The #1 Easiest Way To Increase Profits In A Development Project By Five-Figures Or More… That Most Investors Have No Clue About!
How Much Is This Going To Cost?
OK, by now, you’re probably wondering “how much is this going to cost?”
As I mentioned, people have flown across the country to learn this strategy.
They paid $5,000 to be in the room.
And probably a grand more on flights, hotels, food, and whatnot.
However, considering that many of those who implemented the strategy earned $70,000 to $100,000 dollars or more just on their first project…
They all agreed that $5,000 for 3 days with me was quite THE BARGAIN!
"Ee just completed our property project… turning a $1.3 million profit!!!
"Our lives have changed with a single property deal – thanks Nhan!"

"“I locked in $110,000 worth of profit in six weeks!
"And I did it using almost none of my own money!”

"We made $250,000 and left our day jobs behind!
"Now we're doing property together full-time!"

You see, this property system is obviously worth WAY MORE than $5,000.
But you already know – I don’t make a living selling courses. I’m already a property millionaire.
So I have decided to not only let you access all this information from home…
But also to pay much, much less for the whole kit and caboodle!
In fact… here's my limited time, incredibly fantastic offer:
- Get all 39 new and exclusive videos revealing my ENTIRE FAST TRACK PROPERTY SYSTEM – – hours and hours of EXCLUSIVE, money-making content (total value: $5,000)
My all-new Cracker Deal Secrets online course revealing the "Lazy Man's Way" to finding Super Cheap Deals in ANY market environment (14 exclusive videos, total value: $147) -
My Personal Feasibility / Due Diligence Checklist for properly assessing any deal (total value: $97)
Total Value: $5,244 Dollars
Yours today for Just $1997!!!
Or three easy payments of just $667 each!
Why so cheap?
As I said, I don’t make my living from teaching how to invest in property.
I make my living from ACTUALLY investing in property.
I don’t need to make millions selling this course.
More important though, is this. The world has gone through massive economic turmoil ever since COVID19 came around.
And now, more than ever, I think everyone should be able to take care of their financial freedom.
To create a safer, more abundant future for themselves and their loved ones.
Just like when I was 24, broke, and my mentor helped me.
Sounds fair? So here’s the deal:
Click the button below now… and get IMMEDIATE, FULL, UNLIMITED ACCESS to these exclusive 39 videos showing you step-by-step how to apply my unique property strategy…
… the same way hundreds of my mentoring students have done to make them $100,000… $270,000… even $500,000 a year…
… all the bonuses I mentioned above (‘Cracker Deal Secrets’ deal-finding course and my current due diligence checklist…) ALL TOGETHER… FOR JUST $1,997!!!
Just click the button below and you can get started right now:

100% Money Back Guarantee
This online course comes with a 100% IRONCLAD guarantee:
If you don’t 100% LOVE IT… if it’s not everything you expect it to be and more…
…just let me know within 7 days of making your order, and I will refund you on the spot!
Look, you’ve seen what this property strategy has done for me – lifting me from having nothing into transacting over $40 million dollars property and taking back control over my time and life.
You’ve seen the results my students have achieved – and are consistently achieving. Everyday men and women with little to none property experience and very little cash, now earning a full-time income from doing 1-2 simple property projects a year.
So now it really is your call.
The way I see it, you have three options.
Option 1: You do absolutely nothing.
You stay where you are right now, and nothing changes. If you have enough money for a safe retirement, if you’re already enjoying the lifestyle you always wanted, and if you’re 100% sure the coronavirus crisis will not affect you – then maybe you don’t need my strategy.
But if you’d like to make some extra income (or A LOT of extra income…)
… if you’d like to have enough cash to quit your job and reclaim your time and your destiny…
… then that leaves you with the following two options:
Option 2: You figure it out all by yourself
I have spent 15 years fine-tuning this strategy and I keep updating every month based on the results I’m getting from my own deals in the real market. But if you think you have the time, will, patience and access to figure this all out on your own – by all means, do it yourself.
However, I’ve never seen anybody else teaching my system, so all I can say is that until now, nobody I know of has figured this out without any help. (Heck, I needed help when I was getting started too!)
So if you don’t want to figure it all by yourself… if you don’t want to repeat all the painful, expensive (and avoidable) mistakes that I have already made for you… then that leaves you with the third option:
Option 3: Let me do the heavy lifting for you.
I’ve already done all the legwork. All the research. All the trial and error.
I have paid solicitors, tax-advisors, and accountants over $100,000 in hourly fees to create the most rock-solid contracts to make sure your money is as safe as it can be through every step of the deal… bring your taxes down to the bare minimum… and protect your assets from friends, foes, and even the ATO!
All this information is already cooked into these presentations. It’s ready for you. With specific, real life examples. All you have to do is watch these videos, take notes, and you’ll be armed with all the information you’ll ever need to create the property income of your dreams.
I already told you – this course is built to be THE LAST COURSE you ever have to buy to succeed in property. And that’s exactly what it is. The last property course you’ll ever have to buy.
So ask yourself…
Of these three options, what’s going to be easier for you?
Only you can decide.
If you’d like to join me, I’d be glad to work with you. Click the red button below now.
Let’s get started!